Updated: 2011-06-30 18:58:43
: Science Speaks : HIV TB News A project of the Center for Global Health Policy Search Search : for Go Home About Liveblog Archives you’re reading . Uncategorized A peak into the TB vaccine discovery pipeline at Aeras By Meredith Mazzotta June 30, 2011 Post a comment Curious about what’s happening in the field of tuberculosis TB vaccine development Science Speaks took a trip to the Aeras TB vaccine testing and manufacturing facility in Rockville , Maryland to speak with one of their vaccine discovery scientists Michele Stone , PhD about what vaccine candidates they are currently working on which look the most promising , how they are researching TB vaccine candidates for HIV-infected persons , and when we can expect the successful candidates to . deploy Discussion No comments . yet Post a
Updated: 2011-06-30 16:34:01

Recently, the Illinois General Assembly redrew congressional and state legislative districts to reflect the results of the 2010 Census. Join us on Thursday, July 21 at 12:00 pm for an exciting webinar about how redistricting could change the political landscape in Illinois, with a focus on communities of color and the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender communities. Panelists:
State Rep.read more
Updated: 2011-06-29 19:13:01
: : Science Speaks : HIV TB News A project of the Center for Global Health Policy Search Search : for Go Home About Liveblog Archives you’re reading . Vaccines Global vaccine and immunization scale up : A challenge to keep the momentum By Meredith Mazzotta June 29, 2011 Post a comment From left Lisa Carty of CSIS , Joelle Tanguy of GAVI , Amie Batson of USAID , Claire Moran of the British Embassy , Dr . Nicole K . Bates of the Gates Foundation , and Amanda Glassman of the Center for Global Development At the inaugural pledging conference of The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization GAVI on June 13, a record 4.3 billion in donations was secured from private and public donors , including a 450 million multi-year pledge from the United States . Now that the international community has
Updated: 2011-06-29 01:10:07

Recently, I learned of two complementary exhibits at the National Museum of American History entitled, HIV and AIDS Thirty Years Ago and Archiving the History of an Epidemic: HIV and AIDS, 1985-2009. As one passionate about the fight against AIDS, but who wasn’t aware of HIV/AIDS in the early years, I was interested to learn...
Updated: 2011-06-28 20:51:19

Earlier this month over 2,000 government employees, stakeholders, staff from community organizations, consumers, and advocates working in HIV participated in a webinar, “The State and Future of HIV/AIDS” to recognize 30 years of AIDS. The following federal leaders briefly spoke: Dr. Maggie Czarnogorski (VA) noted the current context of both the 30 years of AIDS...
Updated: 2011-06-28 19:33:16

As the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) moves forward to restructure its HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials Networks and include a new network focused on infectious diseases other than AIDS, the Clinical Trial Units (CTUs) will continue to play a critical role in establishing, developing, and implementing the networks’ scientific research agendas. Additionally, we...
Updated: 2011-06-28 14:00:43

Because the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) is a priority endeavor for the U.S. government, when the President released his Fiscal Year 2012 (FY12) budget proposal in February of this year, he proposed a special fund to support the implementation of the Strategy. If approved, the FY12 Budget Proposal authorizes the Secretary of the Department of...
Updated: 2011-06-28 04:17:56

NIH Director Francis S. Collins gave the keynote speech at today’s Partnering for Global Health forum in Washington, DC, sponsored by BIO and BioVentures for Global Health. He spoke about why global health is a priority for the organization, and for the United States. For starters, Collins pointed out that ...
Updated: 2011-06-27 22:28:39

Rectal microbicides-topical gels, ointments and lubricants laced with
drugs to block HIV-could help stop the spread of the virus. So why is it taking so long to develop them? For one thing, an unwillingness to talk about sex-especially anal sex. Given the potential of microbicides' protective power, it's time we loosen our tongues in order to start saving lives.read more
Updated: 2011-06-27 19:40:34
The following selection of “What We’re Reading” is a compilation of recent articles and reports making headlines in HIV and TB news. Real Stories of People Living with MDR-TB: Medecins Sans Frontieres has a new blog project – TB and ME – for patients worldwide being treated for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) to share their stories [...](Read more...)
Updated: 2011-06-27 19:35:49

Note: Today President Obama issued a statement on National HIV Testing Day Thirty years ago, at the beginning of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, there was no test for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. For many, there was only the long and worrisome wait for the signs of infection. Once those signs appeared, no treatment for the...
Updated: 2011-06-27 17:24:53

Today is National HIV Testing Day—a day to promote HIV-testing and early diagnosis of HIV across the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that nearly 1.2 million people are living with HIV in the United States. Approximately one in five of those are unaware of their infections. Early testing and...
Updated: 2011-06-24 18:52:02

This week, First Lady Michelle Obama is visiting South Africa and Botswana, focusing on youth leadership, education, health and wellness. Today, Mrs. Obama met with organizations dedicated to combating HIV/AIDS in South Africa, including groups that use soccer to convene and educate children about HIV/AIDS. Tomorrow, she will meet with a Teen Club in Botswana...
Updated: 2011-06-24 14:00:00

An intensive three-year program tested nearly 2.8 million people for HIV in 25 high-prevalence areas, the CDC reported.
Updated: 2011-06-23 17:42:56

To the sound of a ticking metronome, Dr. Caroline Ryan of the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator gave an update on the scale up of voluntary medical male circumcision in sub-Saharan Africa Wednesday morning at the premiere of the new short film “In It to Save Lives: Scaling Up Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention for Maximum Public Health Impact.”
The metronome was timed to tick once for each of the five new HIV infections that occur every minute worldwide, 3.5 of which occur in sub-Saharan Africa...(Read more...)
Updated: 2011-06-22 23:01:33

In a post last month, Dr. Ronald Valdiserri, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health, Infectious Diseases, provided an overview of the Secretary’s Minority AIDS Initiative Fund (SMAIF) and highlighted the changes that were made this year to bring it into better alignment with the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) and recommendations from a recent program evaluation. As...
Updated: 2011-06-21 21:12:03

Co-authored by Deb LeBel, Partnerships Specialist, AIDS.govThis is the season for toolboxes. Sunday was Father’s Day – and tools are a popular gift for dads. Summer is the time when many of us pull out our toolboxes to work on home improvement or hobby projects.
So that got us thinking about the “tools” we have in our HIV prevention...
Updated: 2011-06-20 22:25:27

Did you know that the Veterans Health Administration is the largest single provider of HIV care in the United States, providing care for more than 24,000 Veterans living with HIV in 2010? The VA has been and remains an integral part of the service delivery system for people living with HIV in our country. The...
Updated: 2011-06-19 18:00:00
Why reinvent the wheel? Leveraging the lessons of HIV scale-up to confront non-communicable diseases
Rabkin M, El-Sadr WM. Global Public Health, 2011 Apr;6(3):247-56.
Blog Description:
What lessons can the non-communicable chronic disease (NCD) movement leverage from HIV scale-up?
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Updated: 2011-06-19 17:00:00
An epidemic in evolution: the need for new models of HIV care in the chronic disease era
Chu C, Selwyn PA. J Urban Health. 2011 Mar 1. [Epub ahead of print]
Blog Description:
HIV as a chronic disease: need for new care models as patients and providers age in the USA
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Updated: 2011-06-19 16:00:00
Making sense of condoms: social representations in young people's HIV-related narratives from six African countries
Winskell K, Obyerodhyambo O, Stephenson R. Soc Sci Med. 2011 Feb 4
Blog Description:
The Africa Scenarios Project: how young people in 6 African countries write about condoms in video scripts
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Updated: 2011-06-19 15:00:00
Strange bedfellows: the Catholic Church and Brazilian National AIDS Programme in the response to HIV/AIDS in Brazil
Murray LR, Garcia J, Muñoz-Laboy M, Parker RG. Soc Sci Med. 2011 Mar;72(6):945-52.
Blog Description:
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Updated: 2011-06-19 14:00:00
The integration of multiple HIV/AIDS projects into a coordinated national programme in China
Wu Z, Wang Y, Mao Y, Sullivan SG, Juniper N, Bulterys M. Bull World Health Organ. 2011 Mar 1;89(3):227-33.
Blog Description:
China takes a leap forward with Three Ones principles
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Updated: 2011-06-19 12:00:00
Short message service reminder intervention doubles sexually transmitted infection/HIV re-testing rates among men who have sex with men
Bourne C, Knight V, Guy R, Wand H, Lu H, McNulty A. Sex Transm Infect. 2011 Apr;87(3):229-31.
Blog Description:
Short message service (SMS) reminders for re-testing among men who have sex with men in Australia
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Updated: 2011-06-19 11:30:00
HIV This Week Home Disclaimer Glossary Journal Access Previous Issues Issue 92 June 19, 2011 Issue 91 May 15, 2011 Issue 90 March 27, 2011 Issue 89 February 21, 2011 Issue 88 January 29, 2011 Issue 87 January 13, 2011 Issue 86 November 23, 2010 Issue 85 October 31, 2010 Issue 84 September 12, 2010 Issue 83 August 2, 2010 Issue 82 June 21, 2010 Issue 81 May 13, 2010 Issue 80 April 11, 2010 Issue 79, 18 March 2010 Issue 78 February 15, 2010 Issue 77 13 January 2010 Issue 76 December 9, 2009 Issue 75 15 November 2009 Issue 74 26 October 2009 Issue 73 24 September 2009 Issue 72 22 September 2009 Issue 71 August 6, 2009 Issue 70 July 10, 2009 Issue 69 June 16 2009 Issue 68 May 15 2009 Issue 67 April 12, 2009 Issue 66 March 21, 2009 Issue 65 March 1, 2009 Issue 64 February 1, 2009 Issue 63 10
Updated: 2011-06-19 11:00:00
HIV This Week Home Disclaimer Glossary Journal Access Previous Issues Issue 92 June 19, 2011 Issue 91 May 15, 2011 Issue 90 March 27, 2011 Issue 89 February 21, 2011 Issue 88 January 29, 2011 Issue 87 January 13, 2011 Issue 86 November 23, 2010 Issue 85 October 31, 2010 Issue 84 September 12, 2010 Issue 83 August 2, 2010 Issue 82 June 21, 2010 Issue 81 May 13, 2010 Issue 80 April 11, 2010 Issue 79, 18 March 2010 Issue 78 February 15, 2010 Issue 77 13 January 2010 Issue 76 December 9, 2009 Issue 75 15 November 2009 Issue 74 26 October 2009 Issue 73 24 September 2009 Issue 72 22 September 2009 Issue 71 August 6, 2009 Issue 70 July 10, 2009 Issue 69 June 16 2009 Issue 68 May 15 2009 Issue 67 April 12, 2009 Issue 66 March 21, 2009 Issue 65 March 1, 2009 Issue 64 February 1, 2009 Issue 63 10
Updated: 2011-06-19 10:00:00
HIV This Week Home Disclaimer Glossary Journal Access Previous Issues Issue 92 June 19, 2011 Issue 91 May 15, 2011 Issue 90 March 27, 2011 Issue 89 February 21, 2011 Issue 88 January 29, 2011 Issue 87 January 13, 2011 Issue 86 November 23, 2010 Issue 85 October 31, 2010 Issue 84 September 12, 2010 Issue 83 August 2, 2010 Issue 82 June 21, 2010 Issue 81 May 13, 2010 Issue 80 April 11, 2010 Issue 79, 18 March 2010 Issue 78 February 15, 2010 Issue 77 13 January 2010 Issue 76 December 9, 2009 Issue 75 15 November 2009 Issue 74 26 October 2009 Issue 73 24 September 2009 Issue 72 22 September 2009 Issue 71 August 6, 2009 Issue 70 July 10, 2009 Issue 69 June 16 2009 Issue 68 May 15 2009 Issue 67 April 12, 2009 Issue 66 March 21, 2009 Issue 65 March 1, 2009 Issue 64 February 1, 2009 Issue 63 10
Updated: 2011-06-19 01:00:00
India calling: harnessing the promise of mobile phones for HIV healthcare
Shet A, de Costa A. Trop Med Int Health. 2011 Feb;16(2):214-6.</p
Blog Description:
Are we harnessing the promise of mobile phones rapidly enough?
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Updated: 2011-06-15 18:32:33
The following “What We’re Reading” collection is a compilation of recent articles making headlines in HIV and TB news. “Facts” vaginal tenofovir gel study set to launch: The Follow-on African Consortium for Tenofoivr Studies (Facts) study is set to launch in South Africa, following up on the Caprisa 004 trial that found a 59 percent [...](Read more...)
Updated: 2011-06-14 17:59:26
, : Science Speaks : HIV TB News A project of the Center for Global Health Policy Search Search : for Go Home About Liveblog Archives you’re reading . Budget UN AIDS Declaration sets some ambitious goals , fails to address others By Meredith Mazzotta June 14, 2011 Post a comment The United Nations headquarters in New York . City The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Political Declaration on HIV AIDS : Intensifying our Efforts to eliminate HIV AIDS Friday at the conclusion of the three-day High-Level Meeting on AIDS in New York City . The ambitious goals set forth in the declaration include putting 15 million people on life-saving antiretroviral therapy in low and middle-income countries by 2015 about twice the number currently on therapy and halving the number of
Updated: 2011-06-13 18:56:51
: Science Speaks : HIV TB News A project of the Center for Global Health Policy Search Search : for Go Home About Liveblog Archives you’re reading . Global Health Global Health advocates discuss urgent need for new vaccines By Rabita Aziz June 13, 2011 Post a comment Washington Post columnist and senior fellow at the ONE Campaign , Michael Gerson far right speaks on a panel discussing the need for new . vaccines When John Lusingu began working as a doctor in southern Tanzania in the mid-1990s , he immediately grew frustrated from the lack of resources , human capital , basic equipment , and other necessities required to run a healthcare system . With many of his patients dying from AIDS , the young doctor quickly realized new solutions were needed to fight diseases like HIV AIDS ,
Updated: 2011-06-13 18:37:41

: Science Speaks : HIV TB News A project of the Center for Global Health Policy Search Search : for Go Home About Liveblog Archives you’re reading . Global Health Global Fund hosts meeting on HIV financing challenge at UN By Christine Lubinski June 13, 2011 Post a comment CEO of Positive Action for Treatment Access Moralake Odetoyinbo speaks at a Global Fund event at the United Nations Friday . morning Speakers including Global Fund and UNAIDS officials , two African health ministers , a U.S . State Department official and a Nigerian woman living with HIV addressed a packed room on the thorny issue of finding the financial resources for universal access to HIV treatment , prevention and support . A number of speakers lauded the progress in the AIDS response to date and the instrumental
Updated: 2011-06-13 14:48:28

A dramatically better computer tool for finding the genetic missteps that fuel cancer has been developed by St. Jude Children's Research Hospital � Washington University Pediatric Cancer Genome Project investigators. Scientists are using the new algorithm to help identify the chromosomal rearrangements and DNA insertions or deletions unique to cancer........
Updated: 2011-06-10 19:50:13

, : Science Speaks : HIV TB News A project of the Center for Global Health Policy Search Search : for Go Home About Liveblog Archives you’re reading . Global Health PEPFAR , UNAIDS call for an end to mother-to-child transmission of AIDS By Meredith Mazzotta June 10, 2011 Post a comment President Bill Clinton at the United Nations High Level Meeting on AIDS . Thursday The second day of United Nations UN High-Level Meeting on AIDS activities culminated with an announcement by the head of the U.S . President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief PEPFAR program representatives along with UNAIDS that they have set the goal of virtually eliminating mother-to-child transmission of AIDS by 2015. At the star-studded afternoon session where the announcement was made , President Bill Clinton , Nigerian
Updated: 2011-06-09 21:30:55

Search this site : Home About Us I Need . PEER Education Community Blog Calendar HIV AIDS News Job Volunteer Board Contact Us You are here Blogs Ramon G's blog ADAP is Moving to an Electronic Application ADAP is Moving to an Electronic Application By Ramon G Posted on 09 June 2011 Please , join the Illinois Department of Public Health for a series of upcoming webinar trainings that will cover utilizing the PROVIDE system and internet for ADAP and or CHIC Applications . All Case managers , consumers , health care providers , and everyone else should attend to learn how to navigate the new . system ADAP and CHIC Training Audience Anyone who will be submitting an application to ADAP and or CHIC . application Training Dates Friday , June 17, 2011 from 9:00 AM 12:30 PM Monday , June 20, 2011
Updated: 2011-06-03 04:43:58

Researchers at the University of Southern California have pinned down the region of the brain responsible for a key survival trait: our ability to comprehend a scene�even one never previously encountered�in a fraction of a second. The key is to process the interacting objects that comprise a scene more quickly than unrelated objects, as per corresponding author Irving Biederman, professor of psychology and computer science in the USC Dornsife College and the Harold W. Dornsife Chair in Neuroscience........
Updated: 2011-06-02 20:22:50

Yearly HIV testing for men who have sex with men may not be frequent enough, a CDC study suggests.